817-900-8324Have you noticed your refrigerator making a strange sound and wondered if something was wrong? Most appliances make noises in operation, and your refrigerator is no exception. As a homeowner, it’s essential to understand what these sounds mean and whether they indicate a problem with your appliance. We’ll explore common sounds your refrigerator makes so you can understand what they mean.
While a buzzing fridge could seem alarming, it’s completely normal. The buzz you hear from the fridge isn’t a fly trapped inside; it’s the compressor working to maintain your refrigerator’s temperature. However, if the buzzing grows louder, the compressor might be malfunctioning. If this happens, you should hire a licensed professional to inspect the appliance.
A clicking sound could indicate a relay issue in the compressor. THis sound is common when turning the refrigerator on or off or setting it to defrost mode. While a few clicks seem harmless, consistent ticking might indicate it’s time to replace the compressor’s relay.
Upon turning on the refrigerator’s defrost feature, you might hear a sizzling sound. This occurs when the evaporator coils melt and hit the heater element. This sound is normal to hear occasionally, but you might be running into a defrost heater problem if it’s constant. Call a professional to perform diagnostics and repairs.
If you’ve noticed the fridge doors gurgling each time you open or close them, don’t be alarmed! The refrigerant is flowing through the appliance’s system. However, if the sound grows louder, the air filter might be clogged or have low refrigerant levels. Check the fridge’s air filter to make sure it is free of debris.
A hissing sound usually indicates a leak in the refrigerant or a disruption in the refrigerant flow. Whenever the fridge hisses, turn it off and call a licensed professional to identify and remedy the problem.
Understanding the sounds your refrigerator makes can help you prevent future problems. While some noises are normal, others may suggest a problem with your appliance. Regular maintenance can help you keep your fridge running efficiently, but it’s best to consult a licensed professional when in doubt. If you hear weird sounds from your refrigerator, hire a professional to inspect the issue.
Are you worried that your fridge is working incorrectly? When you hear an SOS from your refrigerator, Appliance Recovery can make sure it performs as it should. Our professional refrigerator repair service team has the best training to diagnose and fix your fridge. Save your home essentials by hiring the best and most trustworthy appliance rescue team in Arlington, TX.
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