817-900-8324Have you ever reached into your washing machine and found a load of totally sopping wet clothing? If so, the case is probably due to a washing machine stopped spinning. This may be caused by several reasons. For example, the wash load is unbalanced. The spin mode of the washing machine motor can burn out even as the agitation function continues to work correctly. There may be issues with draining, which usually stems from a drainage hose that’s become either kinked or clogged with small items from your clothing. Whatever the problem is, our team is always ready to come for help.
Knowing what you need to do when your washer is not spinning is crucial. The first step is to look for signs, like overloading or a burned-out motor. Whatever may have caused your washing machine to stop spinning, asking a professional to come in and inspect can remedy the problem.
You can also try troubleshooting the problem yourself by using these strategies:
If you still can’t find the reason why your washing machine stops before its spin cycle, a professional may need to come in. A washer repairperson will come in and inspect your washing machine to determine why the washing machine stopped spinning. They can quickly diagnose and treat the problem so you can get to washing your clothes again.
At Appliance Recovery, we have an experienced team of technicians who specialize in all cases of the issues. Besides great service, our company will supply you with all the required spare parts for a quicker and more effective repair. We offer help in Arlington, TX and DFW area.
Call Us Now 817-900-8324